Note: For some texts reprints are available - click acronym given in {} to download them!
ROHRMANN, B. (2013). Comparisons of risk perception in different cultures: Profile and synopsis of a social science research project venture in 9 countries.
Reports, Roman Research Road, Melbourne.
{reprint: crd.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. (2011). People and philosophies progressing in TIEMS - almost a symbiosis of technology and psychology. Invited keynote at the 18th TIEMS Annual Conference in Bucharest.
{reprint: ppt.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. (2011). Risk attitude scales: Concepts, questionnaires, utilizations. Information about crafted instruments. Reports, Roman Research Road, Melbourne.
{reprint: ras-report.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. & EICHNER, E. (2010, revised 2012): Perception of hazards for health and safety - cross-cultural social-science perspectives.
Invited by and submitted to "Zeitschrift erfahrungswissenschaftliche Sozialforschung" {Journal of
empirical social-science research}.
{reprint: rra.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. (2009). Implications of people's risk perception for conceptualizing emergency preparedness. In: Rosmueller, N. & Knesic, S. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 16th TIEMS Annual Conference "Lets meet where the continents meet" in Istanbul (Turkey) [CD format]. Oslo: TIEMS
ROHRMANN, B. (2008): Risk perception, risk attitude, risk communication, risk management: A
conceptual appraisal (Keynote). In: The International Emergency Management Society (Ed.), Global co-operation in emergency and disaster
management - 15th TIEMS Conference booklet
{reprint: rrr.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. (2007). Exploring forest-fire events on websites - viewpoints of people of diverse cultural backgrounds. The
International Emergency Management Society TIEMS (Ed.), 14th Annual Confererence book of proceedings, pp 403-410.
{reprint: pit.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. (2007). Inspecting information for residents on websites of fire authorities - practical experiences. The Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 22, 10-15.
ROHRMANN, B. (2005). Perception of risk: Research, results, relevance. Contribution to the 32nd Congress of the Interamerican Society of Psychology (SIP) in June 2005, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Available at: Univ. of Melbourne, Behavioral Sciences, Environmental Psychology Lab, Melbourne/Australia.
ROHRMANN, B. (2005). Risk attitude scales: Concepts, questionnaires, utilizations. Project Report, Dept. of Psychology, University of Melbourne, Australia.
ROHRMANN, B. (2004). Technological versus socio-psychological risk management. In Emergency Management Australia (EMA) (Ed)., Safer sustainable communities (Proceedings of the 2003 Australian Disaster Conference, published as CD-ROM), Canberra: EMA.
{reprint: tsr.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. (2003). Perception of risk: Research, results, relevance. In J. Gough (Ed.), Sharing the future - Risk communication in practice. Christchurch: CAE, University of Canterbury.
ROHRMANN, B. (2003). The role of risk communication in processes in disaster preparedness. In J. Gough (Ed.), Sharing the future - Risk communication in practice. Christchurch: CAE, University of Canterbury.
ROHRMANN, B. (2003). Bushfire preparedness of residents: Insights from socio-psychological research. In G. Cary & D. Lindenmayer & S. Dovers (Eds.), Australia burning: Fire ecology, policy and management issues (113-118). Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing.
GRASMUECK, D. & ROHRMANN, B. (2003). Orientations towards risk-taking: Facets and motivations. Presented at SPUDM-19, Zuerich.
ROHRMANN, B. (2003). The utility of the WWW for fire preparedness of residents. Australian Journal of Emergency Management,
18, 20-30.
{reprint: afw.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. (2001). Die Evaluation von Massnahmen zur Risiko-Kommunikation; in: Scholz, R. (Ed.) Erfolgskontrolle von Umweltmassnahmen; Heidelberg: Springer.
GRASMUECK, D., & ROHRMANN, B. (2001). Motivation und Risiko. University of Zuerich: Poster contribution to: Motivationspsychologisches Kolloquium.
(2000-2). A
model for analyzing risk communication processes; Australasian
J. of
ROHRMANN, B. (2000).
Critical assessment of
information on bushfire preparedness for residents. The
Australian Journal of Disaster Management, 15, 14-20.
{reprint: cai.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. (2000). Evaluating risk communication campaigns (Report). Melbourne.
RENN, O. & ROHRMANN, B. (Eds.) (2000). Cross-cultural risk perception research; Dordrecht: Kluwer.
ROHRMANN, B. (2000). Cross-national studies on the perception and evaluation of hazards; in: Renn & Rohrmann.
ROHRMANN, B. & RENN, O. (2000). Risk perception research - An introduction; in: Renn & Rohrmann.
RENN, O. & ROHRMANN, B. (2000). Cross-cultural risk perception: future perspectives; in: Renn & Rohrmann.
ROHRMANN, B. (1999). The
appraisal of
information material on disaster preparedness. In EMA (Ed.),
Disaster Conference, Proceedings, 251-256.
{reprint: aim.pdf}
& CHEN, H.
(1999). Risk perception in Australia and China; Journal of Risk
Research, 2,
ROHRMANN, B. (1999). Risk perception research - Review and documentation; Research Center Juelich: RC Studies #68.
ROHRMANN, B. (1999).
Community-based fire preparedness programs: An empirical evaluation. Australasian
Journal of
Disaster Studies, 99-1.
(1998). Evaluating a community-based disaster preparedness program: Presentation at
(1998). The
risk notion -
epistemological and empirical considerations; in:
& Melchers, R.E. (Eds.): Integrative risk assessment;
{reprint: trn.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. (1998). Assessing hazard information/communication programs; Australian Psychologist, 33, 105-112.
ROHRMANN, B. (1998). Assessing the impact of fire risk communication; in: MFB (Ed.), InFire'98 Proceedings, Melbourne: Metropolitan Fire Brigade.
ROHRMANN, B. (1996). Conceptualization of "risk" - some social-science perspectives. The Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 11, 5-17.
ROHRMANN, B. (1996).
Perception and
evaluation of risks: Findings for New Zealand and
comparisons. Canterbury/NZ: Lincoln Environmental.
{reprint: per.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. (1995). Technological risks - Perception, evaluation, communication; in: R.E. Melchers & M.G. Stewart (Eds.): Integrated Risk Assessment: new directions; Rotterdam: Balkema.
ROHRMANN, B. (1995). Effective risk communication for fire preparedness: A conceptual framework, The Australian J of Emergency Management, 10, 42-46.
ROHRMANN, B. (1994).
Risk perception
of different societal groups: Australian findings and
comparisons; Australian Journal of Psychology, 46, 150-163.
{reprint: rpa.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. (1993).
management by setting standards; in:
Society and uncertainty; Muenchen: Knesebeck.
{reprint: rms.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. (1992). Risiko-Kommunikation: Aufgaben - Konzepte - Evaluation.;in: Zimolong, B., Trimpopp, R. (Hg.) Psychologie der Arbeitssicherheit, Heidelberg: Asanger.
ROHRMANN, B. (1992). The evaluation of risk communication effectiveness, Acta Psychologica, 81, 169-192.
JUNGERMANN, H., ROHRMANN, B. & WIEDEMANN, P. (Hg.) (1991): Risiko-Kontroversen - Konzepte, Konflikte, Kommunikation; Heidelberg etc.: Springer.
ROHRMANN, B., WIEDEMANN, P. & STEGELMANN, H.U. (Eds.) (1991): Risk communication - An interdisciplinary bibliography; Juelich: Research Center Juelich publications.