Note: For some texts reprints are available - click acronym given in {} to download them!
ROHRMANN, B. (2014). How load was it? Audiology Now, Edition 55, January 2014, 19-20.
ROHRMANN, B. (2013). Geraueschsituationen in oeffentlichen Umwelten - Information zu Projekt SPP. Reports, Roman Research Road, Melbourne.
{reprint: spp-aufsatz.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. (2012). Soundscapes in public places: Profile and synopsis of an interdisciplinary research project on the impact of loud music. Reports, Roman Research Road, Melbourne.
{reprint: szz.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. (2010). Impacts of intense music soundscapes on people's communication in public places. Contribution to the WFAE Conference "Ideologies and Ethics in the Uses and Abuses of Sound" in Koli/Finland, June 18, 2010. To be published in the forthcoming conference book.
B. (2007).
Exploring information for
residents on websites of fire authorities - practical
experiences. The
Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 22,
B. (2006). Soundscapes
in public places: Sound levels and
interactions in music
venues - an exploratory study - Final report June 2006.
Univ. of
Melbourne, Behavioral Sciences, Environmental Psychology Lab,
{reprint: sim.pdf}
B. (2004). The
relevance of the internet for
preparedness of residents. Proceedings, 11th
Conference of
the International Emergency Management Society (TIEMS), May
{reprint: rie.pdf}
BISHOP, I.D. & ROHRMANN, B. (2003). Subjective responses to simulated and real environments: A comparison. Landscape & Urban Planning, 65, 261-277.
ROHRMANN, B. (2003). Bushfire preparedness of residents: Insights from socio-psychological research. In: G. Cary et al. (Eds.), Australia burning: Fire ecology, policy and management issues (pp.113-118). Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing.
ROHRMANN, B. (2003).
in restaurants. In: World Forum Acoustic Ecology (Eds.),
Symposium of Acoustic Ecology, Melbourne: AFAE
{reprint: sir.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. (2003). The
of the Wold-Wide-Web in fire preparedness of residents.
Journal of
Emergency Management, 18, 20-28.
{reprint: afw.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. & BISHOP, I.D. (2002). Subjective responses to computer simulations of urban environments; Journal of Environmental Psychology, 22, 319-331.
, PALMER, S. (2000). Validity of computer-simulated
environments. In:
G., Hunt, J., Trevillon, L. (Eds.), Environment-Behavior
Research on
Pacific Rim: Proceedings PaPER (pp. 341-352). Sydney: Faculty of
University of Sydney.
{reprint: pqc.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. (2000).
assessment of information on bushfire preparedness for
residents. The
Australian Journal of Disaster Management, 15,
ROHRMANN, B. (1999)
Community-based fire preparedness programs: An empirical
Austral-asian J. of Disaster and Trauma Studies, 1.
ROHRMANN, B. (1999). The
of information material on disaster preparedness. In EMA (Ed.),
Proceedings -
Australia Disaster Conference (pp. 251-256). Canberra.
ROHRMANN, B. (1998). The
use of
verbal scale point labels in annoyance scales. In: Carter, N.
(Ed.) ,
Noise as
a public health problem, Sydney: Noise
Effects.'98, 523-527.
{reprint: vnl.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. (1998). Assessing hazard information/communication programs; Australian Psychologist, 33, 105-112.
BISHOP, I. D., & ROHRMANN, B. (1997). The validity of computer simulations of urban environments for planning and design. In Skala, V. (Ed.), 5th Internat. Conf. on Computer Graphics and Visualisation, Pilsen/Czech Rep.
ROHRMANN, B.(1996). Aspects of risks in the urban environment. In Groves, M. (Ed.), Design for people. Sydney: People & Environment Research.
ROHRMANN, B. (1995). Effective risk communication for fire preparedness: A conceptual framework, The Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 10, 42-46.
BISHOP, I. D. & ROHRMANN, B. (1995). Visualisation tools: Their role in understanding human resonses to the urban environment. In Wyatt, R.; & Hossein, H. (Eds.) Computers in Urban Planning, Univ. of Melbourne, 313-322.
ROHRMANN, B. (1993). The
consideration of noise annoyance factors in immission
regulations for
industrial noise; in: Vallet, M. (Ed.): Noise as a public health
Arcueil: INRETS, 663-669.
ROHRMANN, B. (1993). Psychological perspectives on regulating noise immisions. (Keynote, Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society). Adelaide: AAS.
ROHRMANN, B. (1993). Risk management by setting standards; in: Bayerische Rueck (Ed.), Risk is a construct; Muenchen: Knesebeck.
ROHRMANN, B. (1992). Entwicklung von Wirkungsmodellen zur Reaktion auf Umweltstressoren; S. 115-128 in: Hildebrandt, L., Rudinger, G., & Schmidt, P. (Eds.): Kausalanalysen in der Umweltforschung; Stuttgart: Fischer.
ROHRMANN, B. (1991). The
of noise on housing decisions; p. 75-86 in: Schick, A.,
Hellbruek, J.
Weber, R. (Eds): Contributions to Psychological Acoustics.
{reprint: inh.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. (1990). Grenzwerte für den Bereich Laerm; S. 115-128 in: Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (Ed.): Technik zum Schutz der Umwelt: Grenzwerte und Grenzwertfindung. Düsseldorf: VDI.
ROHRMANN, B. (1990). Laerm; S. 665-673 in: Kruse, L., Graumann, C.F., & Lantermann, E.D. (Eds.): Oekologische Psychologie - ein Handbuch in Schluesselbegriffen; Muechen: PVU.
PRESTER, H.G., ROHRMANN, B., & SCHELLHAMMER, E. (1989). Environmental evaluations and participatory activities; Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 17, 751-787.
ROHRMANN, B. (1988).
Comparison of
annoyance functions for different noise sources -
and substantial results; pp. 1095-1104 in: Rossi, G. (Ed.):
of the
4th International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem,
{reprint: cnf.pdf}
ROHRMANN, B. (1988). Forschung zu Umweltstressoren als umweltpolitische Entscheidungshilfe; S. 175-181 in: Loesel, F., & Skowronek, H. (Eds.): Beitraege der Psychologie zu politischen Planungs- und Entscheidungsprozessen; Weinheim: Beltz.
PRESTER, H.G., ROHRMANN, B., & SCHELLHAMMER, E.: (1987). Environmental evaluations and participatory activities; Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 17, 751-787.
ROHRMANN, B. (1986). Comparability problems in the design of psychological research on environmental stressors; in: Schick, A., Hoege, H., & Lazarus, G. (Eds.): Contributions to the psychological acoustics; Oldenburg: B.I.S.
ROHRMANN, B. (1985). Guidelines for social-scientific noise research? Possibilities and problems; pp. 105-108 in: Proceedings of Inter-Noise-85, Muenchen 1985.
ROHRMANN, B. (1984). Psychologische Forschung und umweltpolitische Entscheidungen - Das Beispiel Laerm; Opladen: WDV. <Psychological research and decisions in environmental policy>.