Info - Project ASE & ASR 

Assessment of simulated environments

Ian BISHOP & Bernd ROHRMANN (University of Melbourne)

= Project summary =

This investigation deals with the use of computer-generated simulations of urban or natural environments in visual perception research, landscape design and urban planning. It involves an interdisciplinary collaboration between computer-based environmental simulation (Bishop) and environmental psychology and measurement (Rohrmann). The project consists of two studies, one lab and one field study: <1> Cognitive and affective assessment of simulated environments (1995/6) and <2> Computer-simulations of built and natural environments: Perception and evaluation (1996/7); both studies received grants from the Australian Research Council (ARC).
In study <1>, variations of a simulation of a suburban environments were presented to respondents (N=100) to investigate the effects of lighting (day/sun, day/fog, night), shadows (yes/no) and sound (on/off) on perceived simulation quality.
In study <2>, an actual site (suburban; mixed built/natural) and computer-simulations of this environments were assessed by groups of respondents in day and night conditions (N=40+40). In both studies, comprehensive questionnaires measuring cognitive and affective aspects are employed. The findings will further clarify the validity of computer simulations for assessing existing and future environments.
A continuation of this research project is underway; cf. VEV = "Virtual environments and human perception: experiments in validity" in the list of projects.

= Publications =

Bishop, I. D., & Rohrmann, B. (2003). Subjective responses to simulated and real environments: comparison.
Landscape & Urban Planning, 65, 261-277.

Rohrmann, B., & Bishop, I. (2002). Subjective responses to computer simulations of urban environments.
Journal of Environmental Psychology, 22, 319-331.

Rohrmann, B.,  Bishop, I. D. , Palmer, S. (2000). Validity of computer-simulated environments. In: Moore, G., Hunt, J., Trevillon, L. (Eds.), Environment-Behavior Research on the Pacific Rim: Proceedings PaPER'98 (pp. 341-352). Sydney: Faculty of Architecture, University of Sydney. {reprint: pqc.pdf }

= Contact address =

Assoc. Prof. Ian. BISHOP, Centre for Geographic Information Systems and Modelling, University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010 AUSTRALIA
Phone +61 3 83446944 Fax 93474916 E-mail

Assoc. Prof. Bernd ROHRMANN, School of Behavioural Science, Dept of Psychology, University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, AUSTRALIA
E-Mail mail {at}

BR 01/12/03